Strong in quality…
Flexible in service!

Welcome to AB-Matic

Architects, project developers
Are you working on a project that asks for specialised automations?
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About Us
Acces technology
AB-Matic is a leading company in the field of automation and access control. We are your partner in research, design and development for a wide range of projects. From design to implementation, you can count on our integrated approach.
There is no solution to your problem yet? No worries! We will develop an appropriate solution for you.
Our aim is to create integrated and direct responses to our customers' specific requirements.
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Why choose AB-Matic?
Thanks to our flexibility, we have emerged as a European leader in automation of all kinds.
Customised solutions
Besides the development, service and distribution of access technologies, AB-Matic also has its own blasting, metallising and powder coating department. This makes it possible to offer highly customised solutions.
Projects from A to Z
Projects requiring specific attention are worked out from A to Z within AB-Matic: from discussion and 3D drawing, through design and production follow-up, to implementation.
High quality
Collaboration with AB-Matic always guarantees the use of the very highest control and quality standards within the sector.